Meet Dontaz Wilkerson...

Hailing from the EastEnd(Downtown) section of Newport News, Va. Dontaz 'The Mindset' Wilkerson has finally awaken & its time for the world to see what its created.

Growing up & ultimately becoming a product of urban america, one night of fun turned into a nightmare that left him faced with stiff consequences & limited opportunities.

Instead of further becoming a negative product of his new environment (prison), he used the tools given to him to construct a new reality & future, the writer was born.

Analyzing the life traumas, loves, losses, ups & downs of his own & those around him, his life's work started to unfold through the pen as he started to decode & articulate the how's & why's of how we operate the way we do. Intent on being a beacon of change & the bridge of understanding for ourselves & others, The Mindset writes relentlessly with the same passion of all of the greats that came before him.

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